Hannah & David's Wedding in Hiram, Maine

So excited to finally be able to share some images from David & Hannah's wedding at Hiram Works! It's not often where I get to kick the day off at a shooting range, wish I had time to fire off some rounds aka 'shoot a wedding' ;) You may notice Hannah's 1968 Ford F-250 Camper Special making numerous appearances throughout the day to transport her bridesmaids around. SO freakin' cool! 

Here are some of my favorite shots from the day:

Venue: Hiram Works, Hiram, Maine

Hair: Ashley Noel Brown from EAU Clair Hair Care

Rings Designed by: Christiane Hilbrig-Tauroney

Catering: Jennifer & Lindsay from Runway Restaurant, Limington, Maine

Flowers: Snell Family Farm, Buxton, Maine



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