Hannah & David's Wedding in Hiram, Maine
So excited to finally be able to share some images from David & Hannah's wedding at Hiram Works! It's not often where I get to kick the day off at a shooting range, wish I had time to fire off some rounds aka 'shoot a wedding' ;) You may notice Hannah's 1968 Ford F-250 Camper Special making numerous appearances throughout the day to transport her bridesmaids around. SO freakin' cool!
Here are some of my favorite shots from the day:

The moment Hannah's Grandmother drove by and saw her wearing the very same dress she got married in back in 1954...She kept saying how she couldn't wait to show her dentist the photos; Adorable!

Couldn't help but composite a photograph of Hannah's Grandparents (from 1954) next to them as newlyweds 62 years later!

Three generations.

Venue: Hiram Works, Hiram, Maine
Hair: Ashley Noel Brown from EAU Clair Hair Care
Rings Designed by: Christiane Hilbrig-Tauroney
Catering: Jennifer & Lindsay from Runway Restaurant, Limington, Maine
Flowers: Snell Family Farm, Buxton, Maine